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Stress Damages DNA

Posted on Jan 12, 2012 in Sleep | Comments Off Buffer As humans, we spend about a third of our lives asleep. So there must be a point to it, right? Scientists have found that sleep helps consolidate memories, fixing them in the brain so we can retrieve them later. Now, new research is showing […]

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Sleep makes your memories stronger

Posted on Jan 9, 2012 in Marijuana | Comments Off Buffer Image via Wikipedia Researchers have found clear associations between marijuana use in young males and cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS), where patients experience episodes of vomiting separated by symptom free intervals. Ê The study, published in the January issue of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, looked at

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Marijuana use associated with cyclic vomiting syndrome in young males

Posted on Jan 9, 2012 in Meditation | Comments Off Buffer Image via Wikipedia We all know that meditation helps relax people, but what exactly happens in the brain during meditation? A new study suggests that nondirective meditation yields more marked changes in electrical brain wave activity associated with wakeful, relaxed attention than just resting

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Brain waves and meditation

Posted on Jan 6, 2012 in Addiction | Comments Off Buffer If you want to know how people become addicted and why they keep using drugs, ask the people who are addicted. ÊThirty-one of 75 patients hospitalized for opioid detoxification told University at Buffalo physicians they first got hooked on drugs legitimately prescribed for pain.

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Survey Reveals An Increase In Drinking, Cannabis Use And Psychological Distress

Posted on Jan 7, 2012 in Addiction | Comments Off Buffer Image via Wikipedia ALICE RAP is a new dynamic trans-disciplinary EU project which aims is to help policy makers Òre-think and re-shapeÓ current and future approaches to the huge human and economic costs of addictions and lifestyles in Europe. This project is supported by

Survey Reveals An Increase In Drinking, Cannabis Use And Psychological Distress Read More »

Drug Addicts Get Hooked Via Prescriptions, Keep Using Ôto Feel Like a Better PersonÕ

Posted on Jan 5, 2012 in DBT | Comments Off Buffer Written By: Alan Downs, Ph.D. Topic: Chemical Dependency. Dialectical Behavior Therapy Ñ or as it is most commonly known, DBTÊÑ has become an acclaimed, evidence-based therapy for individuals struggling with a co-occurring disorders. The evidence to support the use of DBTÊin substance dependence treatment

Drug Addicts Get Hooked Via Prescriptions, Keep Using Ôto Feel Like a Better PersonÕ Read More »