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Researchers Develop Technique to Visualize ÔYour Brain on DrugsÕ

Posted on Nov 24, 2011 in Injuries related to addiction | Comments Off Buffer ScienceDaily ÊÑ Excessive alcohol consumption appears to be associated with changes in some surgical skills performed on virtual reality simulator testing the following day, according to a report in the April issue ofÊArchives of Surgery, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. ÒWhile

Researchers Develop Technique to Visualize ÔYour Brain on DrugsÕ Read More »

Ecstasy And Methamphetamine Increasingly Becoming First Choice Drugs For Many In East And South-East Asia According To New UNODC Report

Posted on Dec 16, 2011 in Depression | Comments Off Buffer Researchers studying mice are getting closer to understanding how stress affects mood and motivation for drugs. According to the researchers, blocking the stress cascade in brain cells may help reduce the effects of stress, which can include anxiety, depression and the pursuit of addictive

Ecstasy And Methamphetamine Increasingly Becoming First Choice Drugs For Many In East And South-East Asia According To New UNODC Report Read More »

New York Governor Signs Good Samaritan Law to Prevent Overdoses

Posted on Dec 10, 2011 in Emergency department, Injuries related to addiction | Comments Off Buffer Ê Nearly three-fourths of ecstasy-related emergency department (ED) visits in 2009 also involved other drugs, according to data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN). Of the estimated 22,816 ecstasy-related ED visits in 2009, approximately one-fourth (26%) involved ecstasy

New York Governor Signs Good Samaritan Law to Prevent Overdoses Read More »