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Heavy alcohol use suggests a change in normal cognitive development in adolescents

Posted on Nov 30, 2011 in Addiction Recovery | Comments Off Buffer For risk-takers and impulsive people, New YearÕs resolutions often include being more careful, spending more frugally and cutting back on dangerous behavior, such as drug use. But new research from Vanderbilt finds that these individualsÐlabeled as novelty seekers by psychologistsÐface an uphill battle […]

Heavy alcohol use suggests a change in normal cognitive development in adolescents Read More »

Risk Takers, Drug Abusers Driven By Decreased Ability To Process Dopamine

Posted on Nov 30, 2011 in Injuries related to addiction | Comments Off Buffer Image via Wikipedia A new study has shown harmful prescription patterns of powerful painkillers among a substantial number of Ontario patients who received methadone therapy to treat their opioid addiction. Methadone, which is a type of long-acting opioid, has proven to

Risk Takers, Drug Abusers Driven By Decreased Ability To Process Dopamine Read More »

55 Percent Increase From 2005 To 2009 For Drug-Related Suicide Attempts

Posted on Nov 30, 2011 in opioids | Comments Off Buffer Deaths related to prescription opioid therapy are under intense scrutiny, prompting those in pain medicine Ñ clinicians, patient advocates, and regulators Ñ to understand the causes behind avoidable mortality in legitimately treated patients. Studies reporting on statistics, causes, and adverse events involving opioid treatment

55 Percent Increase From 2005 To 2009 For Drug-Related Suicide Attempts Read More »

Preventing Avoidable Opioid-Related Deaths Top Priority for Pain Medicine Field

Posted on Dec 2, 2011 in Alcoholism | Comments Off Buffer 1. What is alcoholism? Alcoholism, also known as alcohol dependence, is a disease that includes the following four symptoms: CravingÐA strong need, or urge, to drink. Loss of controlÐNot being able to stop drinking once drinking has begun. Physical dependenceÐWithdrawal symptoms, such as nausea,

Preventing Avoidable Opioid-Related Deaths Top Priority for Pain Medicine Field Read More »

Alcoholism: The Basics

Posted on Nov 28, 2011 in Drug overdose | Comments Off Buffer Unintentional overdose deaths in teens and adults have reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. In some 20 states in 2007 the number of unintentional drug poisoning deaths exceeded either motor vehicle crashes or suicides, two of the leading causes of injury death. Prescription

Alcoholism: The Basics Read More »

Opioid Deaths and Sales

Posted on Nov 26, 2011 in Substance Abuse | Comments Off Buffer When parents find out their teen is abusing drugs or alcohol, the familyÕs immediate focus is generally on getting help for the teen. But parents are often in great need of help themselves. They may need advice on what to say to their

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