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Painkiller Overdose Deaths Triple

Posted on Nov 3, 2011 in mindfulness | Comments Off Buffer One of the first steps in dealing with addiction is to discover the emotional cause of it, whether it is fear, depression, anxiety, or pessimism. Many times these unwholesome thoughts and beliefs come from what I call the Òwanting mind.Ó In wanting mind, we […]

Painkiller Overdose Deaths Triple Read More »

Mindfulness And Addiction

Posted on Nov 4, 2011 in Alcohol, Families | Comments Off Buffer Youths who receive more than £10 (less than US$20) a week in spending money and who buy alcohol for themselves are more likely to become Ôproblem drinkersÕ, a survey of over 10,000 teenagers reveals. Mark A Bellis from Liverpool John Moores University and

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Depression: A Combination of Environmental, Psychological and Genetic Factors

Posted on Nov 5, 2011 in Addiction | Comments Off Buffer Image via Wikipedia A multinational research team led by scientists at the National Institutes of Health has found that a genetic variant of a brain receptor molecule may contribute to violently impulsive behavior when people who carry it are under the influence of alcohol.

Depression: A Combination of Environmental, Psychological and Genetic Factors Read More »

Cheap Alcohol Strongly Linked To Harmful Underage Drinking In The UK

Posted on Nov 5, 2011 in Addiction | Comments Off Buffer No child aspires to a lifetime of addiction. But their brains might. In new research to appear online in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology this week, Rockefeller University researchers reveal that adolescent brains exposed to the painkiller Oxycontin can sustain lifelong and permanent changes in their

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Abuse Of Painkillers Can Predispose Adolescents To Lifelong Addiction

Posted on Nov 6, 2011 in Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment | Comments Off Buffer Crisis Intervention Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê 314-651-6864ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê Ê ATS provides an on-site Addiction Crisis Intervention Team that is designed to assist families experiencing acute crisis episodes. Patients and/or families can call to request a visit from our ACIT.

Abuse Of Painkillers Can Predispose Adolescents To Lifelong Addiction Read More »

Available Crisis Intervention Team

Posted on Nov 6, 2011 in Alcoholism, Families, The Brain And Addiction | Comments Off Buffer Image via Wikipedia In a systematic review of current evidence published in this weekÕsÊPLoS Medicine, the authorsÑJim McCambridge from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK, and colleaguesÑconclude that there is enough evidence to recommend that

Available Crisis Intervention Team Read More »

Heavy drinking in older teenagers has long- and short-term consequences

Posted on Nov 7, 2011 in Addiction | Comments Off Buffer LONDON Ð Nine major pharmaceutical companies have agreed to pool data on with academic institutions in an effort to improve ways of developing of new medicines to treat psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. The collaboration, which involves Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly and Roche among

Heavy drinking in older teenagers has long- and short-term consequences Read More »