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High Childhood IQ Linked to Subsequent Illicit Drug Use

Posted on Nov 18, 2011 in Addiction | Comments Off Buffer A growing number of universities are creating so-called alcoholism and drug addiction recovery communities, which often feature on-campus clubhouses, recreational opportunities, academic support and recovery courses. To promote the spread of the concept, about 20 colleges this summer formed the Association for Recovery in

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Sleep apnea linked to cognitive difficulties and deficits in gray matter

Posted on Nov 18, 2011 in Addiction | Comments Off Buffer Alcoholic brains can perform a simple finger-tapping exercise as well as their sober counterparts but their brain must work a lot harder to do it, according to a Vanderbilt study released by the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. Ê Chronic drinking is associated

Sleep apnea linked to cognitive difficulties and deficits in gray matter Read More »

Campus Life: Staying Sober

Posted on Nov 19, 2011 in Co-Ocurring Disorders | Comments Off Buffer Image via Wikipedia Biologists and psychologists know that light affects mood, but a new University of Virginia study indicates that light may also play a role in modulating fear and anxiety. ÊPsychologist Brian Wiltgen and biologists Ignacio Provencio and Daniel Warthen of U.Va.Õs

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Finger Tapping Study Shows Alcoholics May Recruit Other Brain Regions

Posted on Nov 21, 2011 in opioids | Comments Off Buffer Image via Wikipedia Deaths from opioid use in Ontario, Canada, have doubled since 1991 and the addition of long-acting oxycodone to the drug formulary was associated with a 5-fold increase in oxycodone-related deaths, found a new study inÊCMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). Most of

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Deaths from opioid use have doubled

Posted on Nov 22, 2011 in Depression | Comments Off Buffer Image via Wikipedia Neuroscientists at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) have developed a protein peptide that may be a novel type of highly targeted treatment for depression with a low side-effect profile. Depression affects one in ten Canadians at some time

Deaths from opioid use have doubled Read More »

How We Get Addicted

Posted on Jul 1, 2011 in Addiction | 0 comments Buffer Image via Wikipedia How We Get Addicted By MICHAEL D. LEMONICK I was driving up the Massachusetts Turnpike one evening last February when I knocked over a bottle of water. I grabbed for it, swerved inadvertentlyÐand a few seconds later found myself blinking into

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