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Adolescents With Prescriptions

Posted on Jan 28, 2012 in The Brain And Addiction | Comments Off Buffer Image via Wikipedia Researchers showed that human subjects with the 118G variant of the mu-opioid receptor released dopamine from the ventrialÊstriatum of the brain in response to alcohol, while those with the more common 118A variant of this receptor did not. […]

Adolescents With Prescriptions Read More »

Addiction mortality and a 9-year longitudinal study of 1,326 adults entering substance treatment

Posted on Jan 26, 2012 in Binge Drinking | Comments Off Buffer Alcohol exposure during adolescence alters the bodyÕs ability to respond to stress in adulthood, according to new research in rats presented at Neuroscience 2010, the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, held in San Diego. Because problems regulating stress are associated with

Addiction mortality and a 9-year longitudinal study of 1,326 adults entering substance treatment Read More »

Brain Chemical Shown To Induce Both Desire And Dread

Posted on Jan 25, 2012 in Alcohol, Injuries related to addiction | Comments Off Buffer Current alcohol consumption guidelines are inadequate for the prevention of cancer and new international guidelines are needed, states an analysis inÊCMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). ÊGuidelines in some countries are not currently based on evidence for long-term harm. Most guidelines

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